98 South 30th Street | Newark, OH 43055

FAQs of our Residents and Families

-What is the facility address and phone number?

Our address is Arlington Care Center, 98 South 30th Street, Newark, OH 43055 and our phone number is 740-344-0303

-Does the facility do laundry for the resident?

We will be happy to do your laundry for you! A member of our staff will be in contact with you to label and inventory your clothing and belongings.

-Does the facility offer WiFI services?

We offer WiFi throughout the building. To connect with our WiFi, select the following: Connection is Arlington Guest and the password is Resident (capital R)

-What services are covered and what would be the co-pay?

This is one of the most comment questions that we receive. So much depends on the payour sources (Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, etc.). We have additional information but we encourage residents and families alike to set an appointment with our Business Office Manager to explain all the benefits and limitation under your plan, if you have additional questions.

-Will my doctor follow my care while in the facility?

Residents have the choice of providers to follow their care while in our facility. That being said, most providers' choose not to follow their patients while in a skilled nursing facility as it takes them away from their private practice. We have contracted some of the best providers in the area, including general practitioners and specialists to meet all your needs. If you still want to be followed by your own practitioner, please see the administrator.

-Are transportation needs covered?

Much like covered services and co-pays, this will vary on the residents' payour source and mobility. We have included information from our contracted provider. Should you have questions beyond that, we encourage you to address those with the charge nurse or our transportation coordinator, who will work with the resident and family on transportation needs. 

-Who can we talk to regarding living wills and guardianship?

Our social service department will take the time to talk about some of these difficult, but important decisions that your family needs to make. 

-Can anyone receive updates on the residents and their care?

All our residents are covered under HiPPA, which means that we will only share this information with the resident, unless otherwise stated, and legally appointed guardian.

-What hospitals do you use?

Our residents receive services from several hospitals and specialty hospitals throughout central Ohio. In an emergency situation, our residents are sent to Licking Memorial Hospital, which is approximately 2 miles from the facility.